So while in the midst of this whole MittaniGate controversy, I decided "Hey! Why not take this heated forum-war and bring it into EVE!" And so I started posting about this idea of the Anti-Swarm. That was last night. Overnight, GSF decided they were going to derail my attempt to rally others against them, and hijacked my thread to discuss the finer points of Roadhouse. Now, the thread has been locked, as have any other thread that questions GSF, CCP, or really anything other than The Mittani's Apology threadnaught (now at 184 pages).
All I can say, is that CCP must LOVE the taste of GSF dick. I used to ignore the comments from the tinfoil fleet that CCP actively supports GSF from within, and I didn't think much of the fact that many of the devs at CCP were originally GSF members (or still are!). Now? Now I know that CCP will do whatever it can to provide it's goldenboys with whatever damage control they can, abusing their power as forum moderators and developers of the game.
What is so bad about translating real anger towards GSF into blowing up spaceships belonging to GSF? Maybe it's because they might lose...
EDIT: I hope I don't get banned from the forums for posting this on my blog. CCP is getting a little out of control with the thread locking/forum bans. Damage control is one thing, censorship of your playerbase is another, especially if it's only because you don't like what they are saying about your goldenboys. That just makes it seem even more like you are the GSF's bitch. And I say that with all due respect, which you are losing fast.
I would LOVE to be proven wrong, as CCP is an amazing company doing amazing things for MMOs and videogames in general, and I freaking LOVE the Sandbox that is EVE Online.
EDIT: CCP, you proved me wrong. Kind of.
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