
The Burning of Jita [or a Diet by a Fire?]

Another Goonswarm communication, this time from the CEO himself, has been intercepted and decrypted.  Analysis pending.
Intercepted Transmission:
Target: Jita
Threat Level: Primary
Aggressor: GSF & Co.

Relevant data:

"Jita will burn."

I suspect that the cries of protest when we begin hitting Jita will make the Ice Interdiction sound like old Manilow tracks played through a de-tuned Muzak speaker at half volume in an elevator full of incontinent chimpanzees. Everyone uses Jita – alliances, humble traders, mega-jews, legions of market bots, you name it. Ice miners could escape our Interdiction by moving away, but ruining Jita will ruin, erm… everything. It will be like surrounding the New York Ѕtock Exchange, the Board of Trade, and the Federal Reѕerve with a ring of armored vehicles and shelling them all, simultaneously, until the entire economic system flies apart at the seams.
If successful, the Jita project will be the single largest and most coordinated act of grief in the history of EVE – we can expect press, calls for us all to be banned, and other nullsec entities joining the fun. While GЅF will be focusing on high-value targets like freighters‚ іt is entirely possible that PL and RDN and god knows who else will swing by and smartbomb the shit out of Jita just for the fuсk of it; there was palpable exсitement at Fanfeѕt about the idea aсross most of nullsec.

Assessment: Implications will be far reaching, and straining for capsuleers operating in HiSec areas in and around Jita.  Economic impact will be staggering, and price gouging will become rampant as GSF-backed war profiteers will move in to secure the market. Avoid if at all possible.

Information leaked and uploaded to the net through EVENews24; analysis is subject to interpretation, fly at your own risk.

[I fucking love EVE for this reason. Can't wait to see you Goons in space.  I'm glad Mittens stepped down to lead the GSF, this year will certainly be one to remember.  Now, if they would only keep out of the Khanid Kingdom...either way, nullsec or w-space is starting to sound pretty good to me.]

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