
[OOC] Is it over? Can I come out and play now?

Whew! It's been quite the crazy day, and my phone has died three times with the #tweetfleet going ballistic.  People have said crazy things, threads have been locked, accounts have been banned, but FINALLY the end may be in sight.  Mittens, in a rare display of dignity in EVE, posted this thread on the forums.

What I posted in response is as follows:

"You have won my respect, for what it is worth.  This is probably the single most articulate discussion of the current fiasco, and I thank you for the time you took writing this.  While ingame, my character is hellbent on the destruction of the Goonswarm, I cannot state enough how much respect I have for you as a player and as a human being.  What you have done with Goonswarm for ingame RP is beyond expression, and makes EVE the best damn game out there.  Thanks to you, there is legitimate cause for ingame RP warfare, and that is just awesome.  You show true dignity in declining the CSM Chair, and wisdom in understanding the "hat" problem.  I applaud you, sir.

All this coming from a four year pubbie.  Don't think so little of us, and you might be suprised."

Perhaps now we can all go back to that internet spaceships game?  This witch-hunt is not very enjoyable, from either side.

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